Pornography[ic City]

Architekt DI Hans Peter Machné
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Writing about pornography is absurd. Or, more precisely, pornography exposes the absurdity of the search for meaning at the heart of critical writing. Porn has no fixed narrative or truth. Every video or magazine [City] is a slippery stream of partial objects; a metonymic chain which mocks the earnest search for meaning as surely as it refuses us the perfect object of desire. Perhaps [the] pornography[ic City] can be most usefully understood as a blister-a tender spot on the social skin which marks a point of friction.

Nothing, in these terms, is inherently, universally pornographic-the reference point for porn becomes an intersecting web of public policy, private desires and beliefs, and culture.

From: Catherine Lumby, Bad Girls The media, sex & feminism in the 90's - with superimpositions strategies

At the beginning of a design process it is important to think about infrastructures rather than thinking of formal appearance. Methaphorical stategies are replaced by myhtological strategies, which invert the Myhtos to pragmatic interventions in the City. realize the consequences of the Ville Radieuse (1) bend LC´s line to re-weave urban faic (2) compose the garden with pages of "pagi" (3) fill Hilbersheimers gaps of the automobile city Infrastructure and traffic are not separated from each other. 3rd dimensional thresholds are avoided. The actual form is generated by connecting the (il)logic of existing walk-drive systems. Modern seperation changes to postmodern coexistence of programms. It is not sufficient for a place to be cleverly engineered. The architectural intervention modifies existing streams and ongoing processes. By extending limits and generating possibilities we are creating a new kind of social condenser, which changes the present characteristic towards "human life". create benjamins spaces of panic (1) acknowledge the ugly as well as the beautiful (2) plan the insurrection in "Celeation City" This is a provocative discussion on public space.

Architecture must not become part of the deal "Freedom v/s Security ". Fortresses and controlled spaces will never be the answer for social problems within a society. Private, easily controllable streets and places prevent happenings like in Paris in 1789. plant the trees of seduction (1) heal the unbearable lightness of being (2) find the spaces of simultanious pain (3) rename Campus Martius to "Square of the Trophies" Create spatial layouts changing your mind of what you were up to do, by giving you the chance to stay, sit down, relax. Spaces of multiple meanings and realities can make it possible to cross the borders between "have to" and "desire". They would not deal with possibilities, but with the art of the possible, the actual. No utopia , but heterotopia. This is another idea of newness, the surprise of what is not yet possible in the history of spaces, referring to Derrida and Foccault. politics Architecture does not work as a piece of art, it always exercises power. Architecture does intervent in people´s lives, which are structured by architectural typologies. Achitecture at a critical size must not only satisfy the investors interests, but must be aware of its impact on urban context. Therefore every person deciding to be an architect has to (re)define his (her) political position. Denying this does not free the architect from his(her) political responsibility. de-medialisation Architecture can no longer transport messages. It can not compete anymore with the new communication tools.

Scientific theories of selforganising systems and virtuality or philosophical knowledge can not be represented in a frozen form. Form is no playground for methaphorical morphologies. Form is designed to create (selforganising) situations not to symbolize them. virtuality-modernity The savior "technical development" found its resurrection around 1980 with the computer-age. Postmodernity was over in these days, modern-thinking came back on computer discs. It was not the virtual city nor Cyberspace which led to apartment rooms of 2.5m height and 10 s.m. size or cities with neglected centers. The rooms in our apartments and abandoned citycenters created the Cyberspace. Leaving behind delirious cyberspace somewhen in the nineties made it clear that architectural responsibility will not disappear in the World-Wide-Web.