MPreis Fischwirt 2003

Addresse Bedawebergasse,Lienz Osttirol
BauherrIn MPreis Warenvertriebs GmbH
Architektur Machné und Durig Architekten : Arch.DI Marianne Durig Arch.+DI Hans-Peter Machné Ausführungsplanung: Architekturbüro Machné,Lienz
Mitarbeit:ÖBA: Architekturbüro Machné,Lienz
Statik DI Stephan Tagger, Lienz
HLS-Planung Technoterm, Lienz
Elektroplanung Technoterm, Lienz
Akkustik Quiring Consultants, Innsbruck
Fertigstellung Sommer 2003
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Extension of a food reatail store The existing food store needed to become bigger. The idea was not to have “new” and “old” in opposition but to create a complete new building. A Structure wich comes out of the old , uses its possibilities and transforms them into something new. The result is more then just the addition of old an new.